2007年12月19日 星期三

軍機 PASS!

試問: 在非雷達環境之下, 一軍機由 PO 飛到 YU, 請發完整的儀器飛行航管許可. --- 會的人, 如果也答對了, 請自己去跟長官領一百萬!

ICAO Noise Abatement Procedures Appendix A — Noise abatement departure climb guidance

A.1 General

A.1.1 Aeroplane operating procedures for the take off climb shall ensure that the necessary safetyof flight operations is maintained whilst minimizing exposure to noise on the ground. The following two examples of operating procedures for the climb have been developed as guidance and areconsidered safe when the criteria in 3.2 are satisfied. The first procedure (NADP 1) is intended to provide noise reduction for noise sensitive areas inclose proximity to the departure end of the runway.The second procedure (NADP 2) provides noise reduction to areas more distant from the runway end.

A.1.2 The two procedures differ by whether the acceleration segment for flap/slat retraction is initiated prior to reaching the maximum prescribed height or initiated at the maximum prescribed height. To ensure optimum acceleration performance, thrust reduction may be initiated at an intermediate flap setting.

很有趣的, TPE FIR AIP AD 1.1-4 使用了這樣的字眼: ... 本區使用 ICAO NADP-1 NADP-2 防噪音程序... @_@


A.2.3 The initial climbing speed to the noise abatement initiation point shall not be less than V2+20 km/h (10 kt).— on reaching an altitude at or above 240 m (800 ft) above aerodrome level, adjust and maintain engine power/thrust in accordance with the noise abatement power/thrust schedule provided in the aircraft operating manual. Maintain a climb speed of V2 plus 20 to 40 km/h (10 to 20 kt) with flaps and slats in the take-off configuration;— at no more than an altitude equivalent to 900 m (3 000 ft) above aerodrome level, while maintaining a positive rate of climb, accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule; and— at 900 m (3 000 ft) above aerodrome level, accelerate to en-route climb speed.


A.3.3 The initial climbing speed to the noise abatement initiation point is V2 plus 20 to 40 km/h (10to 20 kt).On reaching an altitude equivalent to at least 240 m (800 ft) above aerodrome level, decrease aircraft body angle/angle of pitch whilst maintaining a positive rate of climb, accelerate towards Vzf and either:a) reduce power with the initiation of the first flaps/slats retraction; orb) reduce power after flaps/slats retraction. Maintain a positive rate of climb and accelerate to and maintain a climb speed of VZF + 20 to 40km/h (10 to 20 kt) to 900 m (3 000 ft) above aerodrome level.On reaching 900 m (3 000 ft) above aerodrome level, transition to normal en-route climb speed.

PO 問:Cancel speed restriction of 250knots, will it affect NADP1 or 2 procedure? In another way: high speed climb, is it more noisy?

Colin - Anchorage was nice! 說: Well, normally regardless of the speed we fly, the engine thrust is the same after takeoff, so the noise at the engine is the same. Over 250kts allows us to climb higher so I guess for people on the ground it is quieter.

Colin - Anchorage was nice! 說: At least in the 744 and 777 at CX. We have a climb thrust setting..... same setting regardless of speed