我受不了了... 連國泰都問?!
如果對在程序上的飛機頒發進場許可, 航機可依照 MEA 的下降, 華航長榮日航這些公司飛行員問問問也就罷了, 連國泰都問? 到底怎樣才對?
飛行員的自省: "紮馬步~基本功 分類:一定要知道" http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!V8M1KKCRGUHM7hNzdR4siw--/article?mid=513&prev=516&next=506&l=a&fid=8
Specify in the approach clearance the altitude shown in the approach procedures when adherence to that altitude is required for separation. When vertical separation will be provided from other aircraft by pilot adherence to the prescribed maximum, minimum, or mandatory altitudes, the controller may omit specifying the altitude in the approach clearance.
2. Pilots navigating on STAR/RNAVSTAR/FMSP procedures shall maintain last assignedaltitude until receiving authorization to descend so asto comply with all published/issued restrictions. This authorization will contain the phraseology“DESCEND VIA.”
(a) Clearance to “descend via” authorizespilots to:
(1) Vertically and laterally navigate on aSTAR/RNAV STAR/FMSP.
(2) When cleared to a waypoint depicted ona STAR/RNAV STAR/FMSP, to descend from apreviously assigned altitude at pilot’s discretion to thealtitude depicted for that waypoint, and onceestablished on the depicted arrival, to navigatelaterally and vertically to meet all publishedrestrictions.
NOTE−1. Air traffic is responsible for obstacle clearance whenissuing a “descend via” instruction to the pilot. The descend via is used in conjunction with STARs/RNAVSTARs/FMSPs to reduce phraseology by not requiring the controller to restate the altitude at the next waypoint/fix towhich the pilot has been cleared.
2. Air traffic will assign an altitude to cross thewaypoint/fix, if no altitude is depicted at the waypoint/fix,for aircraft on a direct routing to a STAR/RNAVSTAR/FMSP.